Mobile Thermography
Service In Your Office
We'll Bring Thermography To Your Office!
Would you like to offer thermal imaging to your patients in your office? Let us help you grow your practice with the use of thermal imaging. Service your existing clients/patients, attract new ones or bring back those you haven't seen in a while! Plus, we'll pay you a portion of each scan for use of your space.

What We Need:
A small room (approx. 10x10 room)
Ability to control the A/C in the room (must be between 68 & 72 degrees consistently when scanning)
Half day of scans - a minimum of four scans scheduled/confirmed
Full day of scans - a minimum of eight scans scheduled/confirmed
For us to travel anywhere outside of Arizona, we require 2 full days of scheduled/confirmed scans with enough advance notice to schedule travel and accommodations
What We Provide:
Top notch customer service and communication with your patients/clients/staff
Imaging options: Breast & Lymph Scan, Half Body (Upper Body) Scan, Full Body Scan, Cranial/Periodontal Scan, Thyroid Scan
High-resolution thermal imaging by Tina Loftus with interpretation and comprehensive reporting by our medical expert, Dr. Christine Horner, MD.
Thermal imaging results promptly forwarded to patient/client and doctor or practitioner (average turnaround is 5 business days or less)
Availability for scheduling consultations to answer questions or to discuss the results further if patient/client/doctor felt it necessary
Reminders sent to patient/client for their recommended follow-up scan appointment (depending on the findings in the initial report, our doctor will recommend a 3-month, 6-month or 12 month follow-up...this pertains to the breast imaging only)
We will pay your office for use of your space
Call Us Today To Set Up Your Office For Mobile Thermography!
Office 480-480-2222